Sip Trunking for dummies

Ok, we have been talking about SIP trunking for last few years. Keep bragging about it, SIP Trunking, is cool it saves business up to 80% on monthly bills. While talking to our sales team we learned that most of people call for VoIP phone lines, don’t understand how does SIP trunking actually works. Most of them recently purchased VoIP PBX system for almost around 10K. Looking at everything it seems like only tech savvy people are really taking the benefit of SIP Trunking. How about millions of non tech businesses owners. Unfortunately they are still paying lot more than they should. Here is how and why.

Let’s make some assumption and take an example of a small business

  • 100 employees in a consulting company
  • assuming 40% sales and support, primary telephone users,
  • 60% workers, researchers or developers, low to normal phone usage.
  • Business has SIP based telephone system, proprietary or open source like, Asterisk and Freeswitch.
  • Business has VoIP phones connected to PBX.

So if this business goes to local telephone company like cox or Comcast or ATT. They will be paying around $50 per line, so total telephone bill will be around $5000. That should give Unlimited local and long distance calling for each employee. You can get phone numbers only from local area.

With SIP trunking for the example above, you can evaluate how many people will be on phone at the same time. Let’s say 50%. Here the saving start

  • Why to pay for 100 telephone lines when your business is only going to use 50 SIP trunks at peak time.
  • Why not to choose a company which can provide you local numbers anywhere in the country. Getting local phone numbers in different areas is becoming very important, especially for sales people. When calling for new leads, there are more chances to convert the leads in sales if they see the local calling number.
  • Why to pay $50 per line when you can get the same service for half the price.

DIDforSale provides SIP Trunking for business all over US, UK and Canada. You can get a pool of SIP trunks and get phone numbers from anywhere. Learn more about SIP Trunking and how you can save on SIP Trunking with DIDForSale.

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