How is VoIP doing today? According to Paul Budde Communication Pty Ltd, VoIP is one of the leading communications systems in the world. It experienced solid growth and huge subscriber base in 2010, reaching over 20 million subscribers in the United States alone. Further, providers have introduced a variety of VoIP networks.

The Major Players

Though there are several VoIP providers online, there are key players who take up majority of the subscribers’ pie. Based on IBIS World report released in 2010, leading the pack are cable companies such as Time-Warner and Comcast. Vonage, which used to dominate the industry, placed fourth, lagging behind Cox Enterprises.

The Different VoIP Services

 As expected, a huge percentage of VoIP services were delivered through cable. In fact, it garnered more than 50 percent. This was then followed by telephone networks, Internet, fiber optic, and mobile.

The mobile VoIP share doesn’t mean that it’s a failing network. It’s just gaining its momentum. A lot of experts believe that in the next few years, more subscribers will be rooting for mobile VoIP as more handsets (such as mobile phones and tablet PCs) can connect online via 3G, 4G, and/or WiFi.

Skype, a non-facilities-based VoIP, has also experienced massive growth. In a report published by Brockmann & Company in 2010, Skype has an average of over 120 million active users for every month Around 8.1 million of its users pay a fee.

The continuous rise of VoIP can be attributed to a lot of things. One is mobility. A lot of these providers have learned to make their services accessible anytime and anywhere. Also, because of competition, a lot of rates have gone down, making VoIP even more affordable.


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