
Role: <say> Read the text convert to audio and play it back to the caller. This is a powerful tool specially when you want to play a dynamic content to the caller. Assume there are some limitation on converting text to audio, So we strongly suggest to test the text phrases before final deployment.


  • Helps you create a dynamic content. For example greet the caller by the Name from the address table. Or Playing the current temperature to the caller.


action Callback URL none
voice man/woman woman
loop Integer value 1
Language en,es en

Here is an example of how <say> is used within code.

You can use one the attributes. For example below code will select the women voice to convert the text to audio. Loop attribute will repeat the the message 10 times.
Action attribute, can be used to call a url, we dont expect anything back from the url. Any response will be discarded.
At this time we only support English language. We will be adding more languages soon.

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