Maximizing Reach and Engagement: The Top Benefit of SMS Marketing for Your Agency

Maximizing Reach and Engagement: The Top Benefit of SMS Marketing for Your Agency

As a marketing agency, you know that reaching and engaging with your target audience is key to your success. SMS marketing can be a powerful tool to help you achieve this goal. By leveraging SMS marketing, you can maximize your reach and engagement with your audience, which can lead to increased brand awareness, higher conversions, and ultimately, more revenue for your agency.

The Benefits of SMS Marketing

    • Wide Audience Reach

One of the top benefits of SMS marketing is its ability to reach a wide audience quickly and easily. Unlike other forms of digital marketing, SMS messages can be sent to anyone with a mobile phone. This means that you can reach a wider audience, regardless of whether or not they have access to the internet. Additionally, SMS messages can be sent to both smartphones and non-smartphones, making it a highly accessible form of marketing.

    • High Open and Response Rates

Another key benefit of SMS marketing is its high open and response rates. According to a study by Mobile Marketing Watch, SMS messages have a 98% open rate, and 90% of SMS messages are read within three minutes of being received. This high open rate makes SMS marketing a highly effective tool for reaching your target audience quickly and effectively.

    • Personalized Messaging

SMS marketing also allows for highly personalized messages. By collecting data about your audience’s preferences and behaviors, you can send targeted messages that are more likely to resonate with them. This can help you build a stronger connection with your audience, which can lead to increased engagement and loyalty.

    • Two-Way Communication

In addition to these benefits, SMS marketing also enables two-way communication between your agency and your audience. This means that you can engage with your audience in real-time and address any questions or concerns they may have. This can help you build a stronger relationship with your audience and foster trust and loyalty.

Unlock the Power of SMS Marketing with SMS-Enabled Business Phone Numbers

One technology that is helping to maximize the reach and engagement of SMS marketing is SMS-enabled business phone numbers. SMS-enabled business phone numbers allow you to send and receive SMS messages directly from your existing business phone number. This means that you can leverage the benefits of SMS marketing without having to invest in a separate phone number or service.

SMS-enabled business phone numbers also enable you to provide real-time support to your customers. By using bulk SMS and local SMS messaging to provide support, you can offer your customers a more convenient and efficient way to reach you. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and can also lead to increased sales and revenue for your agency.

Additionally, SMS-enabled business phone numbers can be used to send automated messages and alerts to your customers. For example, you can use SMS messaging to send appointment reminders, shipping updates, or other important notifications to your customers. This can help to keep your customers informed and engaged with your brand, which can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business.

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Maximizing Business Efficiency with an SMS Enabled Phone Number

Maximizing Business Efficiency with an SMS Enabled Phone Number

In today’s fast-paced business world, it’s essential to find ways to streamline communication and maximize efficiency. One tool that can help businesses achieve this is an SMS enabled phone number. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how businesses can use an SMS enabled phone number to maximize efficiency and improve communication.

What is an SMS Enabled Phone Number?

An SMS enabled phone number is a phone number that allows businesses to send and receive text messages. Unlike traditional phone numbers, SMS enabled phone numbers are designed specifically for texting, making them an ideal tool for businesses that want to communicate with customers or employees via text message.

Maximizing Business Efficiency with an SMS Enabled Phone Number

Improved Customer Service

One of the most significant benefits of using an SMS enabled phone number is improved customer service. Customers today expect to be able to communicate with businesses via text message, and an SMS enabled phone number makes this possible. Businesses can use their SMS enabled phone number to send order updates, appointment reminders, and other important messages to customers. Additionally, customers can use the SMS enabled phone number to send questions, concerns, or feedback, making it easier for businesses to respond quickly and efficiently.

Streamlined Communication with Employees

Another way that businesses can use an SMS enabled phone number to improve efficiency is by using it to communicate with employees. For example, a business owner can use an SMS enabled phone number to send out important announcements, schedule changes, or urgent messages to employees. Employees can also use the SMS enabled phone number to communicate with each other, making it easier to collaborate and work together.

Increased Automation

Using an SMS enabled phone number can also help businesses automate certain tasks, saving time and increasing efficiency. For example, businesses can set up automatic text message responses to common customer inquiries, freeing up employees to focus on more complex issues. Additionally, businesses can use SMS enabled phone numbers to automate appointment reminders or payment reminders, reducing the need for manual follow-up.

Cost Savings

Finally, using an SMS enabled phone number can lead to cost savings for businesses. Text messaging is generally less expensive than phone calls, making it a cost-effective way for businesses to communicate with customers and employees. Additionally, using an SMS enabled phone number can reduce the need for manual follow-up, freeing up employees to focus on other tasks and potentially reducing labor costs.

DIDforSale offers SMS enabled phone numbers that businesses can use to maximize their efficiency and reach their target audience more effectively. Let us explore the different ways businesses can use DIDforSale SMS enabled phone numbers to maximize their efficiency.

Local SMS

DIDforSale’s SMS enabled phone numbers offer businesses the opportunity to send and receive local SMS messages. This means that businesses can get a phone number in the local area code of their target audience and send text messages directly to their customers and clients. By using local SMS, businesses can increase the chances of their message being read and responded to, as customers are more likely to open and respond to text messages from local numbers. This can be especially effective for businesses that operate in specific geographic regions or that want to target customers in specific locations. For example, a restaurant can send out promotions to people in the area around their location.

Bulk SMS

Another powerful feature of DIDforSale’s SMS enabled phone numbers is the ability to send bulk SMS messages. This feature allows businesses to send the same message to multiple customers at once, without the need to manually type out and send individual messages and many more bulk SMS marketing benefits. This can save businesses a significant amount of time and effort, while still effectively communicating with their customers. For example, an e-commerce business can send out promotional messages to all of their customers at once, which is a great way to increase their sales.

SMS Desktop App

DIDforSale’s SMS enabled phone numbers also come with a desktop application that allows businesses to send and receive SMS messages directly from their computer. This can be a valuable tool for businesses that need to send and receive a large volume of text messages, as it can be much faster and more efficient than typing out messages on a mobile device. The SMS desktop app also allows businesses to save message templates and schedule messages to be sent at a later time, further maximizing their efficiency. This can be useful for businesses that need to send out regular messages to their customers or clients.

DIDforSale’s SMS enabled phone numbers offer a powerful tool for businesses to maximize their efficiency and reach their target audience more effectively. By taking advantage of local SMS, bulk SMS, and the SMS desktop app, businesses can communicate with their customers in a more efficient and effective way. By using these tools, businesses can save time, increase their productivity, and ultimately, grow their bottom line. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, DIDforSale’s SMS enabled phone numbers can help you streamline your communication processes and improve your customer service.

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CTIA Updated 2019 Messaging Principles and Best Practices

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CTIA’s Updated 2019 Messaging Principles and Best Practices.

Who is CTIA?

The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) is a telecom industry association which involves agents from real telecom organizations, such as wireless carriers, VoIP operators, and CPaaS companies.

The CTIA has recently updated its Messaging Best Practices and Guidelines. This version of the Principles and Best Practices replaces the 2017 CTIA Messaging Principles and Best Practices.

What is Update about?

In its latest update for Messaging Best Practices and Guidelines CTIA has laid down regulations to protect consumers and text messaging platform from fraudulent activity and other form of system abuse. By building up clear parameters and rules, these Principles and Best Practices urge Message Senders to keep up Customer trust, confidence, and certainty.

The new Update also clearly defines the difference between A2P and P2P messaging.

 P2P Messaging:-  Person to Person messaging commonly referred to as P2P is message sent from one consumer to another.

A2P Messaging:- Application to Person or A2P messaging refers to SMS messages sent to consumer by using application. A2P allows organizations to automate mass messaging.

If your business is sending mass messages of any sort, then these new rules may influence your message deliverability. The progressions are particularly appropriate to those sending messages on local numbers that are not affirmed for new 10DLC carrier routes.

Things you should know about 2019 CTIA Updated Messaging Principles and Best practices.

  • Consumer Consent :

The new updates clarify that any organization sending text messages to consumers should receive clear, opt-in consent. Any messages sent by organizations that have not obtained opt-in consent may be subject to protection measures that could delay or block unwanted messages. CTIA recommends that any organization using A2P messaging should:-

– Obtain Consumer’s express written consent to receive marketing messages.
– Provide clear Opt-out option for consumer.
– Obtain clear Opt-in consent from user to send any form of text communication.

  • Toll free and Local phone numbers for A2P:

CTIA has now acknowledged that along with short codes, toll free phone numbers and local phone numbers can be used for A2P messaging.

  • Refrain from Snowshoe Messaging: 

Snowshoe Messaging is a technique used to spread messages across many sending phone numbers or short codes. According to the CTIA guidelines, the snowshoeing messaging traffic is included in the inappropriate routes for A2P messaging.

  • Say No to Grey Route:

The CTIA update also prohibits organizations to use the Grey Routes. A Grey Route is a setting, method or path that is not authorized by Service Providers for A2P Messages.

  • Suitable Messaging Channels:

In the CTIA 2019 version of Principles and Best Practices, were affirmations of suitable messaging channels for high-volume, A2P traffic. Channels acknowledged by the association for the consumers are Toll-free numbers, short codes, and local numbers.

  • Attributes of a P2P Consumer:

The recent update of 2019 incorporates a very precise traffic guideline to define P2P consumers VS A2P consumers. Following are the requirements for a customer to be assumed as a P2P consumer:

Throughput: A P2P Consumer can send or receive a maximum of 15 to 60 messages per minute i.e. (not more than 1 message per second).

Volume: Consumer should not send or receive more than 1000 messages a day as general consumers do not send or receive texts more than a few hundred in a day.

Unique Sender: This condition is incorporated in the updated (2019) version. Only One telephone number is assigned to or utilized by each consumer.

Unique recipients: A P2P consumer typically sends messages to limited recipients. Not more than 100 unique telephone numbers per message are allowed.

Balance: Approximately there should be a ratio of 1:1 of outgoing messages to incoming messages as most of the consumer messages are conversational.

Repetition: The typical consumer behavior is not to send substantially repetitive messages. If the consumer sends more than 25 repetitive messages, this would be considered as an A2P Consumer attribute instead of a P2P Consumer Attribute.

Click here to checkout detailed CTIA Compliance guide.

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Fusion Connect SIP Trunk provider Files for bankruptcy

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Leading SIP Trunk provider files for bankruptcy in June.

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DIDforSale SIP Trunks are compatible with wide range for PBX platforms. With quick turn around and faster customer support we can migrate your phone service within weeks.

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SMS Compliance Guide

SMS marketing is one of the most effective types of marketing around. An SMS message has an open rate of 98%, when compared to 20% with an email. But before you start sending SMS text campaigns, you need to make sure that you’re compliant with the legal regulations.

These regulations are designed to protect consumers from low-quality marketers and spam. Here’s what you need to know.

  • Get Permission
    You can’t cold call with marketing texts. TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act ) requires you to obtain “express written consent” from your recipients prior to adding them to your marketing campaign lists. The recipients can provide consent either by filling out paper/web form or by using the opt-in keyword as provided by you. The consent must be clear, precise and easily available. Here is an example of Text message Opt in option:-


SMS marketing opt in message


  • Opt-in-Confirmation
    Once the subscriber sends the message with the code on the given number make sure you send Opt-in confirmation message. When sending confirmation message include following information:-

    • Your Identity (business/organization name)
    • Confirm the subscription
    • Notify message frequency.
    • Clearly state the Opt out & Help options.
    • Inform subscriber for any message/data rates that may apply.
      Here an example of  message exchange between subscriber and business.

SMS opti in confirmation

  • Maintain Do Not Call List

    For all the subscribers who have opted out or do not wish to receive any SMS message from your business then please maintain them under Do Not Call List.

Conclusion: Following These Compliance Guidelines Will Simplify SMS Marketing

Compliance isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Just use the same principles you would use with email marketing. Follow SMS Compliance guidelines as stated by CTIA and TCPA to enjoy a successful SMS marketing campaign!


Please Note: The information in the post summarizes and contains DIDforSale’s interpretation of SMS compliance. Its an interpretation and not legal or compliance advice and you may not rely on them.

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CTIA Updated 2019 Messaging Principles and Best Practices

CTIA Updated 2019 Messaging Principles and Best Practices

In its latest update for Messaging Best Practices and Guidelines CTIA has laid down regulations to protect consumers and text messaging platform from fraudulent activity and other form of system abuse. By building up clear parameters and rules, these Principles and Best Practices urge Message Senders to keep up Customer trust, confidence, and certainty.

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Leading SIP Trunk provider files for bankruptcy in June. With poor management, existing Fusion Connect customer are at risk of losing service or poor customer service and continuously looking for alternative for their phone service. DIDForSale has been helping customers move to alternative SIP trunking. With wide range of communication product portfolio the company offers a solid alternative to Fusion Connect.

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