The Future of Contact Centers: A Look at VoIP Technology

The Future of Contact Centers: A Look at VoIP Technology

The contact center industry is rapidly evolving, and new communication technologies are playing a significant role in shaping its future. One of the most transformative technologies is Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), which has the potential to revolutionize the way contact centers operate. This article explores how VoIP technology is transforming contact centers and what the future holds.

Greater Flexibility 

VoIP technology offers greater flexibility for contact centers. Agents can work remotely from anywhere with an internet connection, enabling contact centers to expand their operations and better serve customers in different time zones. This remote work model has become more prevalent since the COVID-19 pandemic, where many contact centers had to quickly adapt to remote work models to maintain their operations. Here are some examples of how VoIP technology enables greater flexibility:

    • Cloud-based VoIP solutions: Contact centers can adopt cloud-based VoIP solutions, which enable agents to access the system from anywhere with an internet connection. This allows contact centers to easily scale their operations up or down as demand fluctuates.
    • Mobile applications: VoIP technology can also be integrated with mobile applications, enabling agents to make and receive calls from their mobile devices. This can be especially useful for remote agents who need to be mobile to serve customers on the go.

Better Customer Experience 

VoIP technology also enhances the customer experience by offering superior call quality, faster call routing, and advanced call features. Here are some examples of how VoIP technology can enhance the customer experience:

    • Call quality: VoIP technology offers high-definition audio, which means calls are clearer and more natural-sounding. This improves the quality of the conversation between the customer and the contact center agent, reducing misunderstandings and frustration.
    • Call routing: VoIP technology allows contact centers to route calls based on the customer’s needs, reducing hold times and improving first call resolution rates. This ensures that customers get the help they need quickly and efficiently.
    • Advanced features: VoIP technology enables contact centers to offer advanced features such as call queuing, call recording, call forwarding, and interactive voice response (IVR). These features help customers get the help they need quickly and efficiently, increasing satisfaction.

Cost Savings 

VoIP technology is more cost-effective than traditional phone systems, as it eliminates the need for expensive hardware, reduces maintenance costs, and allows for better scalability. Here are some examples of how VoIP technology can reduce costs:

    • Hardware costs: VoIP technology eliminates the need for traditional phone hardware, which can be expensive to purchase and maintain. Instead, VoIP phones can be connected to the internet, reducing hardware costs.
    • Maintenance costs: VoIP technology is easier to maintain than traditional phone systems, as most maintenance tasks can be performed remotely. This reduces the need for onsite technicians and lowers maintenance costs.
    • Scalability: VoIP technology is highly scalable, enabling contact centers to easily add or remove agents as needed. This allows contact centers to adjust their operations to match the volume of customer calls, optimizing their resources and reducing costs.

Advanced Analytics 

VoIP technology enables contact centers to gather and analyze a wealth of data about customer interactions, including call duration, wait times, and call resolution rates. This information can be used to optimize operations, improve agent performance, and enhance the overall customer experience. Here are some examples of how VoIP technology can provide advanced analytics:

    • Call data analysis: VoIP technology can capture and analyze call data, enabling contact centers to gain insights into customer behavior, such as call volumes, call duration, and call resolution rates.

    • Agent performance analysis: VoIP technology can also capture and analyze agent performance data, such as call handling times, call transfers, and call resolution rates. This enables contact center managers to identify areas for improvement and provide targeted coaching and training to improve agent performance.
    • Customer satisfaction analysis: VoIP technology can also be used to measure customer satisfaction through post-call surveys and sentiment analysis. This information can be used to identify areas where the contact center is performing well and where improvements can be made to enhance the overall customer experience.

As mentioned, VoIP technology has the potential to transform the contact center industry, and DIDforSale is at the forefront of providing VoIP solutions to help contact centers stay ahead of the curve. DIDforSale offers a comprehensive suite of VoIP services that enable contact centers to take advantage of the benefits of VoIP technology, including greater flexibility, better customer experience, cost savings, and advanced analytics. DIDforSale’s solutions include cloud-based VoIP phone systems, SIP trunking, international phone numbers, and more. By partnering with DIDforSale, contact centers can improve their operations, enhance their customer experience, and stay competitive in a rapidly changing industry.

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There is a security hole in FreePBX < 13.0.188. Freepbx is vulnerable to Remote command execution due to insufficient sanitization of user input fields.

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Its important to keep your free-pbx secure. Once the hacker gets access to your system, they can make thousands of dollar of calls to expensive areas all over the world. Freepbx is free software, but it comes with lot of responsibility. We see lot of people get attracted towards free software but they dont spend enough tough in learning the software and almost no time in how to keep it secure.

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Secure your VoIP

No network is immune to any type of malicious attack. Just think about I Love You Virus and the Millennium bug that had wiped out several millions’ worth of data all around the globe. So even your VOIP can be greatly damaged by viruses, phishing attacks, and malware, to name a few.

But that doesn’t mean you cannot do something about them. You have the power to greatly reduce the chances of these attacks by considering the following factors:


1.  Reliable VOIP provider

One of your best lines of defense will be your own VOIP service provider. It’s critical to have not only a popular but also dependable and supportive company to deal with. They should already have the infrastructure, backup plan, and security applications ready.


2. Security features

Updated anti-virus and firewall programs can already do wonders to make sure you can also protect your system, as well as your VOIP network, from hacks and other types of attacks.


3. Common sense.

Phishers sometimes tap into your number and call you for all sorts of reasons, such as pretending to be your bank or credit card issuer, just to obtain your personal details. If the call sounds suspicious, give your real bank or credit card company a call and inquire.


4. Alertness

If you think someone has tapped into your system without your permission, if you encounter problems that you have never met before, and if you are receiving anonymous calls, report them to your VOIP provider immediately.


VoIP Security Threats

VoIP isn’t immune to several security threats, especially now that scammers and phishers have several ways to capitalize on the technology. Nevertheless, knowing what these potential attacks are will make you more alert and responsible in using the system.

DoS Dodging

This is considered to be the most serious and thus dangerous malicious VoIP attack. It can stop your IP handset from working, cause the server to crash, and extremely slow down your productivity. Worse, it leaves your entire network compromised.

This threat is so difficult to address immediately since hackers usually employ a very slow approach. But you can greatly reduce the risk and prevent it from affecting a large part of your network by downloading, installing, and updating your firewall and anti-virus software.


This is the abbreviated form for VoIP phishing. Phishers can tap into your network and send you a message via a voice synthesis. Sometimes it spoofs numbers, so you’ll be forced to believe that it’s a legitimate call. The “call” may be from a credit card company, lender, or bank; the bottom line is, if you’re not careful, you’ll share your critical personal information such as your bank accounts, credit cards, name, and address.

To reduce exposure in vishing, don’t call the number often left by the phisher. Instead, dial the valid telephone numbers of companies they claim they’re a part of and inquire about the details of the call.


Spit is spam over IP telephony. Though this isn’t as popular as DoS or vishing, it can be a prelude to any of mentioned threats. Fortunately, since e-mail anti-spam applications won’t work in spit, companies such as NEC have developed VoIP-specific tools like VoIP Seal.


Is your Asterisk system under heavy attack

This week one of our customer was attacked by more than 10000 Unique IPs. These hackers try to register on your system using some random username and easy to crack password. Few week back I wrote few tips on securing your asterisk servers.

Even if you took all the steps to secure your asterisk, still you dont want these attackers to flood your system with dummy registration requests. Use iptables and easy to implement shell script to block these attackers. You can easily block flooding traffic to your system. Iptables, can be used to filter IP traffic, provides high level packet filtering. Use the shell script below and setup a cron and have a good night sleep. The script will automatically block the IPs flooding your Asterisk system with failed registration requests.

Monitor Asterisk’s Log for Failed Registrations

In most cases of a sip flood attack, the host tries to register on your Asterisk. All the failed attempts from these hosts are identified in the Asterisk log (/var/log/messages or /var/log/full if you are using Asterisk Based PBX  as “No matching peer found.” The following script scans /var/log/full for these patterns, strips the IP address of attacker, and block it.

Script reads the log file and use IPTABLES to block any further attempts. While reading the log file it always set a check in and check out flag. So that next time it can start from last check out position.

Copy the code and save in /usr/local/bin/check_sip_attack
chomod 755 /usr/local/bin/check_sip_attack
#########Start from Next line  ##########

# Script Donated by
#crontab -l
# make an entry in Crontab
#01-59/2 * * * * /usr/local/bin/check_sip_attack

BINDIR=dirname $0; echo $BINDIR | grep ^/ > /dev/null || BINDIR=pwd/dirname $0
arch=”uname -muname -s

# echo “BINDIR= ”  ${BINDIR}
cd /var/log/asterisk
if [ ! -r ${log} ]; then
printf “could not read error file (${log})n”
start=”grep -n -e CRON: start ${log} | tail -n -1 | sed s/:/ /g | awk '{print $1}'
stop=”grep -n -e CRON: stop ${log} | tail -n -1 | sed s/:/ /g | awk '{print $1}'
if [ “$start” = “” ]; then start=0; fi
if [ “$stop” = “” ]; then stop=0; fi
if [ “$start” -le “$stop” ]; then
error=”tail -n +${stop} ${log} | grep -i Registration | grep -i Failed | tail -n +1
if [ ! ( “x$error” = “x” ) ]; then
printf “nnCRON: start — sending info — datenn” >> ${log}
ccc=printf "%s" "$error" | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'
if [ $ccc -gt 0 ]; then
printf “EXCERPT FROM ASTERISK LOG FILE ${log}:nn%snnDONE.nn” “$error”
printf “%s” “$error” > /tmp/sipappatck.tmp
for ip in cat /tmp/sipappatck.tmp | awk '{print $11}' | sort | uniq | sed s/'//g ; do
echo “iptables -I INPUT -s $ip -j DROP”
/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s $ip -j DROP
printf “nnCRON: stop — info sent — datenn” >> ${log}

exit 0

# end
#########Stop here ##########

Final step is to schedule the script with cron. Add a line in cron.

01-59/2 * * * * /usr/local/bin/check_sip_attack
This will run the scrip for every two minutes (Of course you can change the timings) and have a good night sleep.

Any questions or comments are very welcome.